Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Open Minded?

Its funny how people claim to be open minded and totally be closed regarding certain things. Its so frustrating trying to make people you think would understand accept a situation that already was. Was there any harm done? Maybe there was, maybe there was not. I really don't know now.

You can't explain your side because in the end it would really be pointless. So hard. So heart breaking to think that those who you thought you can confide to would judge you, because of something you did out of tradition. It doesn't matter how hard you cry because deep inside you'd know that that would be the last time you'd do it because what you did is plain unacceptable. Morally wrong? I don't know.

It doesn't matter how many times you try to change the topic because it would still go back to that. You want to delve away from further details once you realize that you are now in the hot seat. You'd want to avoid the topic to escape the pangs of argument altogether but still the discussion continues on until you are out of words, hands up, giving in, admitting you are wrong.

You are once again the culprit, the mastermind of an act you thought was okay. While in the back of your mind you keep on thinking why the hell did you think it would be okay? You should have played safe, never assumed that it would be understood, you should have stood on the side lines as one of the audience not as the star.

Lesson learned.

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