Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Week After

April 8-15 proved to be one of the most tiring and toxic weeks ever. But the difference between this weeks and the finals week (or month) at UP is that I coin the latter "hell week" while this proved to be the complete opposite. It was during this week that the annual Oriental Mindoro Adventist Youth Sports Festival was held at the town gymnasium of Gloria.

I had the chance of competing with eleven districts in two very exhausting games (i.e. Scrabble and Word Factory) and ended up being the champion. Ha! Beat that! *big grin*...

But what's more fun about being in this kind of activity is that you get to meet so many people where I, being a very epal person loved! I had lots of new acquaintances and got close with a few. I also was able to make stronger ties with people from our district. We had a lot of chance to bond and get to know each other better, which really proved to be worth all the drowsiness and hoarse voice. And when I say hoarse voice, I mean a really hoarse one to the point that I do not have enough voice left to speak. I have to clap just to get the attention of people more than 3 ft away from me. In other cases wherein the ones I want to talk to are near enough, I still have to speak real close to their ear for them to understand what I'm saying. It's really frustrating especially for me (being epal and all) to not be able to convey verbally what I want or feel. This is one of those times that you'd barely hear a word from me... Ah.. the frustration in that.

I got a little tanned too, which I found looks better on me. It made me look more alive. I mean comparing with my relatively fairer skin before the event, having a little more color is better.

I'm still kinda drowsy having to sleep only two hours last Saturday and being awake until three in the morning of Sunday. Wooziness is all over me. 0_o

What I'm looking forward to is the five day TV Production and Broadcast Communication Camp this May 21-25 to be held in San Pablo, Laguna. Not only will I have a free training on broad comm and tv prod, but will also have another chance to meet with the people I met during the sports fest. *jittery with excitement* Imagine, I get to be trained for free wherein if I choose the ABS-CBN workshop on June, it'll be worth 8,500php! God, thank You for the blessings.

My head feels wobbly and my throat hurts, guess I have to rest now. Hasta luego.

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