Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Big Christmas Break: A Retrospect

My last semester in college is definitely the most exiting one I have ever had. Within a few months I changed from a marketing noob to a noob with a Mark Prof hat. Yes, still a noob. :)

I quit my organization, even though I LOVE advertising and still do, because of reasons both personal and technical. I am still accepting ad jobs though. Will be posting my portfolio soon.

My internet shop's doing well and I can increase my daily income quota next year.

I'm applying for big companies and am hoping to get into P&G or Nestle. Come to think of it, I'm still not done with my revised resume. Dear Rona, please wait for me to send my CV. :D

Travelled from Manila to Mindoro today and experienced the most stomach wrenching trips of my life. We really thought the boat was going to overturn as the waves were HUMONGOUS! People were already crying and the emergency alarm was already screaming. I was too busy vomitting (first time I ever vomitted on a boat trip) and being nauseated to panic. The usually 45 minute boat ride was prolonged to a total of two hours because of the HUMONGOUS waves. My tummy's still hurting. But at least we're alive.

I have to finish my OJT folder before January and have to find an instrument for my thesis. And I am on the verge of procrastinating once again. But no, I will graduate on time, one year late. :D

Happy Christmas to everyone and may you all have a bountiful new year ahead of you.